Gifted Ones, Inc.

Gifted Ones, Inc. (GO!) is a global movement that brings together visionary leaders who are committed to serving and leading in a world that heals through self-development, evolutionary love and systems that make sense.

“We are the ones we’ve been waiting for”

As sung by Sweet Honey In the Rock

Vision Fund!

Wouldn’t it be great to live in a world where innovative solutions are harnessed from within a community?

Community is the Key!

We believe that creating a more loving,  just and peaceful world will take us all. Each doing our best. Each bringing our gifts, skills and resources.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has”

Margaret Mead



The Gifted Ones Love Campaign (GO! LOVE) brings together individuals who believe that cultivating LOVE is the most powerful way to bring peace and oneness to the world. We create and curate spaces that promote connections to communities that encourage deep reflection and fun, utilizing creativity and the arts as a catalyst for change.

Inspired by the 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman and the Chakras, the GO! LOVE flavors provide a fun and creative way to find and amplify the uniqueness of our gifts. 

The GO! LOVE Campaign launched on February 10, 2024 with a GO! LOVE Day, a fun family celebration that highlighted the first 7 of the growing list of GO! LOVE Flavors that are being cultivated around the globe. 

So whether your Love Flavor is spreading Seeds of Love by leading nature walks with others or addressing loneliness and food insecurity by nourishing elders in your community with food and companionship, The GO! LOVE Campaign is the place to find your flavors and rally others to do the same.

What are your GO! LOVE Flavors?

Physical Touch

Root Chakra

Acts of Service

Sacral Chakra

Self Identity

Solar Plexus Chakra

Quality Time

Heart Chakra

Words of Affirmation

Throat Chakra


Third Eye Chakra


Crown Chakra

How do you express evolutionary love in the world?
Do you want to stay connected to the GO! LOVE Campaign?

At Gifted Ones Mental Health Initiative (GO! MHi)Gifted Ones (GO!) Mental Health Initiative, we believe communities can be strengthened and supported in healing by supporting and healing those who support and care for them. We do this by infusing a holistic approach to model health and healing practices that serve to create a sustainable and fulfilling lifestyle and career. We believe that helping professionals do not have to surrender our own health, wellbeing, and values to provide excellent care within our systems and communities. 

GO! MHi offers personal well-being and professional development resources to mental health professionals of all disciplines and roles who are looking to maintain a sustainable career that supports their wellness. The initiative provides tailored training and support services to mental health professionals and mental health support staff and scholarships for qualified supervision hours to pre-licensed mental health professionals to increase access and decrease barriers for mental health professionals seeking state licensure.

The Gifted Ones Mental Health Initiative (GO! MHi) is in service to supporting mental health professionals of all backgrounds and disciplines, in strengthening personal and professional capacity. We do this by infusing a holistic approach within our trainings, facilitations, and online community space. These infusions teach, and model, health and healing practices that serve to create a sustainable and fulfilling lifestyle and career for mental health professionals. We believe within our helping profession we do not have to surrender our own health or values to provide excellent care within our systems and communities. 

GO! MHi is designed to fortify the resources and to strengthen the personal and professional capacity of those who provide support to others. 

For General Inquiries about GO! MHi

To apply for a scholarship toward Qualified Supervision hours toward state licensure

Do you have a passion and a gift to share? Are you ready to take a deep dive into … YOU? Let’s GO!

The Gifted Ones Visionary Intensive Program (GO!VIP) is a non-profit incubator that provides healing focused personal and business development to visionary leaders who are committed to sharing their passion and gifts with the world.

Do you have an evolutionary project you want to share? Is there something you believe will change the world for the better? Can you feel it deep in your bones?

The Four Pillars





The core pillar of GO! is LOVE.

In order to experience all four pillars in our world, we must start with developing radical self love. Here at GO! we call it SOUL LOVE!

Soul love is the unstoppable love that we develop through brave and honest self exploration.

Soul love is the powerful love that transcends the artificial constructs that can be used to divide us.

Soul love is the essence of love that allows us to see the Truth of oneness in one another’s eyes.

This love ain’t easy, but it is necessary.

This love is Revolutionary.

This love is where we begin.

Are you ready to take a deep dive into …YOU?

Our time, skills, energy, money and relationships are precious resources.

As such, we are intentional about how and where we choose to expend our resources.

We choose to stand for what we want ..LOVE, JUSTICE and EQUITY for ALL!

We choose not to drain our resources fighting against the things we do not want.

(unclear about the difference, let’s chat…)

Here at GO!, we support policies, initiatives and movements that do the same. Period.

Do you have a creative art-ivism project you’d like to launch? Do you have a passion for building community and spreading peace?

No one place is the center of the world.

We are all sharing this big rock we call Earth and have been entrusted with its care.

It is ALL of our work to connect with our planet partners.

Our assignment: To do always as much as we can, in the ways that we can, in order to leave our planet more beautiful and beneficial than we inherited it. (adapted from the Kwanzaa principle of Kuumba)

GO! Supports:

  • Global Connection & Community Action
  •  Environmental Responsibility
  • Cultivation of Earth Wisdom

Are you ready to share generative and restorative earth practices with others?

Do you have a project or idea that will bring together folk around the world?

Are you ready to GO! Global?

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together”

African Proverb

Leadership In Action

In order to get things done, we must get into action. GO! Is always looking for folk who want to be part of the movement. Some talents and skills we like to have on deck include the following areas of expertise:

  • Legal
  • Fundraising/Development
  • Communications
  • Grant writer & Administrator
  • Donors
  • Marketing/Social Media Manager
  • Curriculum/Program Development
  • Finance (accounting/CPA & bookkeeping) Quickbooks
  • Media personnel
  • Business/Social and Soul-preneurship

Are you interested in learning how to bring your time, talents and treasures to this work?

“Our goals are collective and achievable, only if we are united. One seed is equal to a million, if that one seed is the best.”

Reading from The Laws of Maat

Calling All Gifted Ones!!

Do you see yourself, your passions and your dreams inside one (or more) of the Gifted Ones Pillars?

GO! is a collective community of soul workers.

Are you feeling a tingle of excitement, but don’t have it all figured out? PERFECT! Soul work is not linear. You don’t yet need to know all of the answers. In fact, you CAN NOT know the answers. Whatever you think you know is so very small compared to what is possible.

Being a Gifted One takes time, patience, faith and cultivation.

It takes collective work, deep self development and exploration.

It takes community, witnessing and holding you and your vision.

Are you ready to experience that divine spark inside of you revealed and amplified?

Are you ready to explore to see if GO! Is the place for you to shine?


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